Margaret Jupina, of Peoria, Arizona

Margaret Jupina, 76, of Peoria, Arizona, passed away on January 14, 2011, entering into the arms of our Lord. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, she was the beloved wife of John S. Jupina, Jr. (deceased), with whom she shared many years of love and laughter before they relocated to Arizona for their retirement. Together, they built a beautiful life centered around family, faith, and joy.

Margaret was the devoted mother of Diane J. Farmer, Marilyn J. Kretzu, and Marybeth J. Whitehurst, and she leaves behind a legacy of love that extends to her grandchildren—Roxanne, Frankie, Britta, Leona, Maggie, and Brad—and her great-grandchildren—Courtney, John, Anna, Jimmy, Alexis, and Ava. Each of them cherished her deeply, and her presence will be sorely missed in their lives. She was always more than just a mother or grandmother; she was the glue that held the family together, providing wisdom, warmth, and encouragement to everyone.

A faithful member of the Byzantine Catholic Church, Margaret’s devotion to her faith guided her every day. She was known for her dedication to her church community, whether it was cooking for church events or engaging in bingo games. Her kitchen was a place of love, where she spent countless hours baking pies for her husband, who delighted in bragging to his friends about her talent. She was also an avid baseball fan, always finding joy in watching games with her family.

After retiring to Peoria, Arizona, Margaret and John enjoyed their golden years together, frequently visiting the local casino and sharing their love of life. They built a new life filled with adventure and relaxation, often reminiscing about their earlier years in Pennsylvania. Even in her retirement, Margaret’s energy and love for life shone brightly, as she spent her days relaxing, cooking, and making new memories with her family.

Margaret’s faith carried her through life’s greatest challenges, including her battle with a debilitating illness. Through it all, she remained graceful and strong, always thinking of others before herself. Her courage was an inspiration to all who knew her, and her family takes comfort in knowing she is now at peace, reunited with her beloved John in heaven.

Margaret’s family mourns her loss but takes solace in the knowledge that she is now in God’s presence, enjoying eternal peace. She taught them to celebrate life and love unconditionally, leaving a lasting legacy that will be cherished forever.

A Marian Devotion in Memory of Margaret Jupina

Opening Prayer:

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy and Queen of Heaven, we gather in prayerful remembrance of Margaret Jupina, who has passed from this life into eternity. With hearts full of love and gratitude, we entrust her soul to your tender care, asking for your intercession before the throne of God.


Mary, you who stood at the foot of the Cross, witnessing the suffering and death of your beloved Son, understand the pain of loss and the sorrow of parting. In your compassionate heart, we find solace and strength as we mourn the passing of Margaret, a woman who lived her life with grace, love, and faith.

Like you, O Mother, Margaret embraced both the joys and trials of life with perseverance and deep trust in God. As a dedicated wife to John Jupina, a loving mother to Diane, Marilyn, and Marybeth, a cherished grandmother to Roxanne, Frankie, Britta, Leona, Maggie, and Brad, and a proud great-grandmother to Courtney, John, Anna, Jimmy, Alexis, and Ava, she lived with an open heart, always giving of herself to her family and community.

Margaret’s hands, which lovingly prepared meals, sewed, and created pies for her husband, mirrored the hands of your Son, who worked as a carpenter in Nazareth. Her love for her church, her talent in the kitchen, and her joy in life’s simple pleasures—whether baking for her family or enjoying trips to the casino—reflected a spirit full of love, humility, and faith. Just as you, Mary, treasured all things in your heart, Margaret’s heart was filled with love for her family and her deep devotion to God.

Litany of Mary:

Response: Pray for her, O Holy Mother of God.

Mary, Mother of God,
Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted,
Mary, Refuge of Sinners,
Mary, Help of Christians,
Mary, Queen of Angels,
Mary, Queen of Peace,
Mary, Gate of Heaven,
Mary, Star of the Sea,

Prayer of Entrustment:

O Mary, our Mother, we now commend Margaret Jupina to your loving care. Embrace her with your maternal love, and present her soul to your Son, Jesus, the source of all life and hope. May Margaret be granted eternal rest in the company of the saints, and may her soul be lifted into the eternal joy and peace of heaven.

Guide us, O Mother, as we continue on our earthly journey. Help us to live with the same courage, kindness, and devotion that marked Margaret’s life, always striving to love and serve others. May we one day be reunited with her in the presence of your Son, where there is no more pain or sorrow, only the fullness of joy in God’s eternal kingdom.

Closing Prayer:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A Holy Spirit Devotion in Memory of Margaret Jupina

Opening Invocation:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. As we remember Margaret Jupina, we ask for Your presence to be with us, guiding our prayers and comforting our hearts. May Your divine light shine upon her, leading her to the fullness of life in the eternal kingdom.


Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, we pause to honor Margaret, a woman who lived with a spirit of love, faith, and kindness. Just as You breathe life into all creation, so too did You breathe Your gifts into her, allowing her to touch the hearts and lives of many.

As a dedicated wife to John Jupina, Margaret demonstrated the strength and fortitude that comes from Your grace. Together, they built a life filled with love, first in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and later in Arizona. She embraced her role as a mother to Diane, Marilyn, and Marybeth, and as a grandmother and great-grandmother to her beloved Roxanne, Frankie, Britta, Leona, Maggie, Brad, Courtney, John, Anna, Jimmy, Alexis, and Ava. Through them, her legacy of love continues to flourish.

In her quiet service—sewing, cooking, and baking pies for her family—Margaret reflected Your creativity and joy. Her faith as a Byzantine Catholic, her love of baseball and bingo, and her fondness for trips to the casino in her retirement years, all highlighted her deep appreciation for the blessings of life. In these simple yet profound acts, we recognize Your presence, Holy Spirit, within her.

Litany of the Holy Spirit:

Response: Come, Holy Spirit, and renew us in Your love.

Spirit of Wisdom,
Spirit of Understanding,
Spirit of Counsel,
Spirit of Fortitude,
Spirit of Knowledge,
Spirit of Piety,
Spirit of the Fear of the Lord,
Spirit of Truth and Love,

Prayer of Commendation:

Holy Spirit, we now commend the soul of Margaret Jupina into Your loving hands. You who are the Comforter, bring peace to our hearts as we entrust her to Your care. You who are the Advocate, intercede on her behalf before the throne of God.

Breathe upon her the breath of eternal life, and lead her into the presence of the Father, where every tear is wiped away, and where she will be reunited with her beloved husband John. May Margaret rest in Your perfect peace, filled with the joy of the heavenly banquet.

Prayer for Strength and Guidance:

Holy Spirit, as we continue on our earthly journey, we ask for Your guidance and strength. Help us to carry forward the legacy of love and faith that Margaret has left us. May we live with the same spirit of generosity, kindness, and devotion that marked her life, always seeking to glorify God in all that we do.

Fill us with Your gifts, that we may be instruments of Your peace and love in the world. And when our own time comes to leave this world, may we be welcomed into the eternal home prepared for us, where we will be reunited with Margaret and all our loved ones, in the everlasting light of Your presence.

Closing Prayer:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your love. Be with us in our moments of sorrow and in our moments of joy. Strengthen our faith, guide our steps, and keep us ever close to You. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pray A Rosary For Margaret Jupina