Online  Memorials for Catholics℠

Celebrate and honor the lives of your loved ones with Online Memorials and obituary writing service for Catholics, designed by theologians.

In Full Communion With Rome

Simple Memorial & Obituary Designed by a Professional Theologian

Create An Online Memorial Page: A unique and personal tribute with prayers and rosary.

Eternal Access: Available online forever, allowing future generations to learn about and appreciate their heritage.

Phone Consultation: A phone call to gather essential information and obituary.

Draft Review: Opportunity to review and request changes to the draft before finalization.

In Full Communion
With Rome


24-48 Hour Turn-time.

View A Living Memorial

Lavish Dedicated Memorial Designed by a Professional Theologian

Create A Dedicated Online Memorial Website: A sophisticated and elegant memorial website with advanced customization options to reflect the uniqueness of your loved one.

Photo and Video Gallery: Cherished photos and videos, creating a rich visual narrative of your loved one’s life.

Life Story: A detailed obituary and a life story section to share the significant moments and accomplishments of your loved one.

Eternal Access: Available online forever, allowing future generations to learn about and appreciate their heritage.

Extended Personal Interaction: More in-depth interactions, possibly including multiple calls with family members to ensure every important detail is included.

In Full Communion
With Rome


5-7 Day Turn-time.

VirtualShrine offers professional obituary writing services that provide families with a heartfelt and personalized tribute for their loved ones. Our team crafts obituaries that honor the unique life of each individual, blending meaningful storytelling with the accuracy and care you expect during such a sensitive time. Whether for a printed obituary or an online memorial, we work closely with families to ensure the tribute reflects their loved one’s faith, values, and legacy. VirtualShrine’s obituary writing services offer peace of mind and comfort as you celebrate and remember those most dear to you.

Theological writing

Obituary Writing Services by Professional Theologians

At VirtualShrine, our obituary writing services are uniquely crafted by graduate theologians, ensuring a deep and theologically sound reflection of your loved one’s life and faith. Each obituary is thoughtfully written to honor not only their personal story but also their spiritual journey, providing a tribute that resonates with Catholic beliefs. Our theologians bring both compassion and expertise to the writing process, offering families a meaningful and accurate portrayal of their loved one’s legacy. VirtualShrine combines theological depth with heartfelt writing, creating tributes that offer comfort, reverence, and peace.

What About Non-Catholics?

Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegratio, and Nostra Aetate affirm that non-Catholics and followers of other religions can share in God’s plan of salvation.

Lumen Gentium (1964)

The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, outlines that the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church, but it acknowledges that elements of sanctification and truth can be found outside its visible boundaries. It recognizes that non-Catholic Christians are also part of the People of God. It states that those who are not in full communion with the Catholic Church but have a relationship with Christ and His Church are nonetheless included in the overarching plan of salvation. The Council emphasized the Church’s role in fostering unity and dialogue among all Christians, recognizing the good and truth present in other Christian denominations.

Unitatis Redintegratio (1964)

The Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, delves into the concept of Christian unity and acknowledges the Holy Spirit’s active presence in various Christian communities. It underscores that, despite these communities not being in full communion with the Catholic Church, they are still integral members of the broader Christian family and share in the call to unity. The document stresses the importance of fostering dialogue and mutual understanding among all Christians, recognizing their significant role in the Church’s overall mission of spreading the message of Christ. It advocates for collaborative efforts to achieve greater unity within the Christian faith.

Nostra Aetate (1965)

The Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Nostra Aetate, acknowledges respect for non-Christian religions and their followers. It recognizes that while these religions may not encompass the full revelation of Christ, they still reflect aspects of divine truth and goodness. The document emphasizes that the People of God extends beyond the Catholic Church to include those who, although not fully sharing in the Christian faith, seek God and adhere to His moral teachings. It highlights the universal scope of God’s plan for salvation and the Church’s call for dialogue and respect.


Our Patrons

Blessed Carlo Acutis

Blessed Carlo Acutis, born in Italy in 1991 and beatified in 2020, exemplifies a remarkable blend of deep faith and innovative use of technology. His profound devotion to the Eucharist inspired him to create a website documenting Eucharistic miracles from around the world, showcasing his technical skills and commitment to evangelization. Carlo’s life demonstrated how modern tools can be harnessed to share the beauty of the Catholic faith, making him an ideal patron for VirtualShrine Online Memorials.

By choosing Blessed Carlo Acutis as our patron, we honor his inspiring legacy and seek his guidance in merging faith with technology. At VirtualShrine Online Memorials, we strive to provide a sacred online space for remembering loved ones, celebrating faith, and fostering community. With Blessed Carlo’s example, we are reminded of the potential to touch hearts and minds globally, using contemporary means to spread the timeless message of Christ and ensure that the light of faith shines brightly in the digital world.

Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena is celebrated for her profound devotion to the souls in Purgatory. Through her intense prayer life and spiritual sacrifices, she dedicated herself to interceding for the deceased, seeking their relief and eternal peace. Catherine’s extraordinary compassion and belief in the power of prayer to aid souls on their journey toward God make her a powerful intercessor and an ideal patron for VirtualShrine Online Memorials.

By choosing Saint Catherine of Siena as our patron, we honor her legacy of compassion and fervent intercession for the deceased. At VirtualShrine Online Memorials, we strive to create a sacred online space where the faithful can honor and remember their loved ones through prayer and devotion. Saint Catherine’s example inspires us to support the souls in Purgatory, reinforcing the importance of prayer and spiritual solidarity in the journey toward eternal peace with God.

Saint Monica

Saint Monica is renowned for her deep faith and relentless prayers, particularly for her dedication to honoring the deceased. Best known for her perseverance in praying for the conversion of her son, Saint Augustine, Monica’s spiritual devotion also extended to interceding for the souls of the departed. Her life exemplifies the Catholic tradition of persistent prayer for loved ones, reflecting a profound commitment to both the living and the deceased in her journey of faith.

By choosing Saint Monica as our patron, we honor her legacy of unwavering prayer and devotion. At VirtualShrine Online Memorials, we strive to provide a sacred online space where the faithful can honor and remember their loved ones through prayer and dedication. Saint Monica’s example inspires us to support both the living and the deceased through persistent prayer, reinforcing the importance of spiritual devotion in our journey of faith and remembrance.

Join us now!

Creating a meaningful tribute for your loved one is simple with VirtualShrine Online Memorials. Begin by choosing a memorial plan that suits your needs. Our platform offers various options, from basic online memorials with personalized obituaries to something more lavish. Upload photos, share stories, and invite family and friends to contribute. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring your memorial honors your loved one’s legacy in a sacred and meaningful manner. Get started today and create a lasting tribute that celebrates faith, love, and remembrance.

Latest memorials

Our Faithfully Departed

At VirtualShrine Online Memorials, we honor the memory of the recently departed Catholic faithful with deep reverence. Our platform offers a sacred space to celebrate their lives, reflect on their faith, and share their stories. Join us in remembering their legacy and offering prayers for their souls, ensuring they are lovingly remembered within our community of faith.

Prayers for the Faithfully Departed

Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father We come before You in our time of sorrow, seeking comfort and peace. As we mourn the loss of our beloved loved ones, we turn to You with heavy hearts, asking for the intercession of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mother of Sorrows, we ask You to embrace us with Your gentle compassion and guide us through this difficult time of grief and mourning.

Mary, you stood by your Son during His greatest suffering and offered unwavering support. In Your strength and grace, teach us to find solace and fortitude through Your example. Help us to trust in God’s loving plan, even amidst our pain and confusion. May Your maternal care bring healing to our broken hearts and renew our hope in the promise of eternal life.

We humbly entrust our departed loved ones to Your loving embrace, confident that You will present them to Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through His boundless mercy and infinite love, may they be granted eternal rest and peace. Surround us with Your comfort, and may the light of Christ’s resurrection shine upon them, guiding them into the fullness of His eternal glory. Amen.

Dear Jesus

In our time of sorrow and loss, we turn to You with heavy hearts, seeking comfort and peace through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and His boundless Divine Mercy. Lord Jesus, as we mourn the loss of our beloved family and friends, we seek Your compassionate embrace to guide us through this difficult period.

You are the source of all comfort and hope. In Your Divine Mercy, You have promised to console those who grieve. Grant us the grace to trust in Your infinite love and find solace in Your presence. May Your mercy heal our broken hearts and renew our strength, enabling us to face each day with hope and faith.
We place our departed loved ones into Your loving care, confident in Your promise of eternal life. May they rest in Your peace, and may Your Divine Mercy shine upon them, bringing them into the fullness of Your glory. Embrace them in Your heavenly kingdom, and comfort us with the hope of being reunited in Your eternal light.

May Your Divine Mercy envelop us all, guiding us through our grief and filling our hearts with the hope of Your eternal promise. Amen.

In The Eucharist

We gather before You in the presence of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, truly present in the Holy Eucharist. In this sacred moment, we bring before You the pain of our loss and the sorrow that fills our hearts as we remember our departed loved ones.

Lord Jesus, You are the Bread of Life and the source of our hope and consolation. As we partake in this Holy Sacrament, we unite our grief with Your sacrifice on the Cross, trusting in Your promise of eternal life. In Your boundless mercy, grant our departed loved ones a place at Your heavenly banquet, where they may rejoice in Your eternal presence.

Holy Spirit, Comforter, fill our hearts with peace and strength. Help us to remember with gratitude the joy and love our loved ones brought into our lives. Let us find solace in the faith that they are now embraced by Your divine mercy and surrounded by eternal light.
Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, hear our prayers and grant us comfort and hope in Your everlasting love. Amen.

Message Our Team

    Frank Cunnane

    Founder & theologian

    Frank Cunnane, a 2024 graduate of Catholic International University is the visionary founder of VirtualShrine Online Memorials, a pioneering platform that integrates the timeless traditions of the Catholic faith with the latest advancements in digital technology. With a profound dedication to spiritual enrichment and a commitment to innovative outreach, Frank recognized the need for a dynamic online space where the essence of Catholic heritage could meet the modern digital age. His mission with VirtualShrine Online Memorials is to provide a theologically accurate and deeply meaningful experience for those seeking to honor their loved ones within the rich tapestry of Catholic tradition. Through his leadership, VirtualShrine Online Memorials has become a beacon for those looking to merge faith with contemporary digital expression, ensuring that the sacred rituals and customs of the Catholic Church are preserved and celebrated in the virtual realm.