❤️ Lynn Whitehurst of Wilmette, Illinois

Lynn Whitehurst ❤️ of Wilmette, Illinois, passed away peacefully in her sleep on December 7, 2024, at the age of 85.

Born in Evanston, IL, Lynn ❤️ was the beloved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Griggs, Jr. She graduated from New Trier High School in 1956 and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University in 1965. A lifelong learner, Lynn ❤️ pursued postgraduate studies in psychology and became a consultant, empowering women in business through seminars rooted in transactional analysis.

Her love for learning and adventure led her to complete paralegal training at the University of San Diego in 1991, where she worked in California for several years. Later in life, Lynn ❤️ channeled her creativity into the culinary arts, becoming an accomplished chef. She shared her talents across the West Coast, including at Death Valley, CA, Paradise Inn at Mount Rainier, WA, and Denali, AK. She even owned a restaurant on Vancouver Island, BC, before returning to the Chicago area. Notably, she served as a personal chef for Scottie Pippen of the Chicago Bulls.

A lover of God’s creation, Lynn ❤️ found peace in nature, especially while walking along Geneva Lake. She cherished writing poetry and found solace in attending Catholic Mass.

Lynn ❤️ is survived by her loving children, Jean Dotson of Palatine, IL, and Jon Whitehurst of St. Charles, IL, as well as four grandchildren. Her siblings include Dotsy Roarty of Ocean City, MD, John Wilbern of Pittsburgh, PA, and Susan Hronec of Mars, PA. She was preceded in death by her brother, Tom Wilbern.

A Visitation and Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Family Catholic Church, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness, IL 60067, on December 16, 2024. Visitation begins at 9:30 am, followed by the Funeral Mass at 10:30 am. Lynn ❤️ will be laid to rest on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at Oak Hill Cemetery, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, at 11:00 am.

In honor of Lynn’s ❤️ generous and compassionate spirit, the family kindly requests that memorial donations be made to the Open Arms Free Clinic, PO Box 678, Elkhorn, WI 53121. For more information, please call (262) 379-1401.

May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Amen ❤️

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A Marian Devotion
In Loving Memory of Lynn Whitehurst ❤️

Blessed Mother Mary,

With a heart full of gratitude, we entrust Lynn Whitehurst into your loving embrace. You, who cradled the Christ Child and walked the path of faith with courage and grace, welcome Lynn, who cherished her walks in nature, her creative spirit, and her love for the Eucharist.

Mother of Sorrows, comfort those who mourn Lynn’s passing, especially her children, Jean and Jon, her grandchildren, and her siblings. Wrap them in your mantle of consolation and guide their hearts toward the hope of eternal life.

Queen of Heaven, we offer Lynn’s poetry and her many gifts of hospitality to you as a testament to her love for others and her joy in God’s creation. In her journeys—both across the West Coast and through life—may she have reflected your fiat, always saying “yes” to the opportunities God placed before her.

As Lynn loved attending Holy Mass, we ask that you intercede for her, that she may now join the heavenly banquet, where the light of Christ shines eternally. Lead her safely to your Son, who is the way, the truth, and the life.

Holy Mary, pray for us, that we too may one day join you and Lynn in God’s everlasting kingdom.
Amen. ❤️

A Holy Spirit Devotion
In Loving Memory of Lynn Whitehurst ❤️

Come, Holy Spirit,

With your gentle and life-giving presence, we commend Lynn Whitehurst into the eternal embrace of the Trinity. You, the Breath of God and the Flame of Divine Love, filled Lynn’s life with creativity, wisdom, and a profound appreciation for the beauty of creation.

Spirit of Wisdom, who guided Lynn through her many callings—from her work in psychology and business leadership to her artistry in the culinary world—receive the fruits of her labor as an offering of love. You, who inspire every good and perfect gift, were with her as she shared her talents with family, friends, and even strangers who tasted her kindness and joy.

Spirit of Comfort, console her children, Jean and Jon, her grandchildren, and all who mourn her passing. Remind them of your ever-present peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding, and kindle in their hearts the hope of reunion in your eternal light.

Spirit of Renewal, who inspired Lynn’s love of walking amidst God’s creation and writing poetry, grant that her spirit now rejoices in the fullness of God’s presence, where every tear is wiped away. May she now sing with the angels in perfect harmony, her soul alive in your eternal love.

Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us all with your presence, that we may follow your guidance as Lynn did, walking the path that leads to eternal life.
Amen. ❤️

❤️ Pray A Rosary For Lynn Whitehurst ❤️