Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr.

March 2, 1945 — August 15, 2024

In Loving Memory of Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr.

Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr., known affectionately as “Joe,” passed peacefully in his sleep on August 15, 2024, at his home in Chesapeake, VA. Born on March 2, 1945, in Springfield, MA, Joe was the beloved second child of Eleanor and Joseph Driscoll. He grew up alongside his two siblings, embracing the values of family, hard work, and dedication that would shape his life and legacy.

Joe was a man of many talents and passions, wearing numerous hats throughout his journey. As a young man, he answered the call to serve his country, joining the Navy and becoming a skilled helicopter pilot. His time in the Navy was marked by bravery, camaraderie, and a deep sense of duty, earning him the respect and admiration of those he served with.

After his military service, Joe turned his attention to his love of cooking, a passion that had been nurtured from an early age. He became a chef and restaurateur, bringing joy to countless people through his culinary creations. Whether in the kitchen of his own restaurant or at home, Joe’s meals were always infused with love, creativity, and a touch of his unique flair.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Joe was a devoted son, brother, father, and grandfather. He shared a special bond with his daughters, whom he loved dearly and enjoyed teasing with his characteristic wit and humor. His role as a grandfather was one he cherished deeply, finding immense joy in spoiling his grandchildren and creating lasting memories with them.

Joe’s interests were as diverse as his personality. He had a deep appreciation for the art of carpentry, spending countless hours crafting with his hands and taking pride in the beauty of his work. He had a particular fondness for decoy ducks, a hobby that reflected his love for nature and attention to detail. His enjoyment of cigars was a simple pleasure he indulged in, often while engrossed in one of the many books he voraciously read.

To those who knew him, Joe was a man of endearing quirks, boundless kindness, and, at times, a bit of crankiness. His complexity made him all the more lovable, and his presence brought warmth and light to the lives he touched. Joe’s absence leaves a profound void, but his memory will live on in the hearts of those who loved him.

Joe’s family and friends will forever remember his generosity, his laughter, and his unwavering love. His legacy is one of a life well-lived, full of passion, dedication, and an unyielding commitment to those he held dear.

Rest in peace, Joe. We will miss you always and carry your memory with us, cherishing the moments we shared and the love you gave.

A Marian Devotion in Memory of Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr.

Opening Prayer:

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, and Queen of Heaven, we gather in prayerful remembrance of Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr., who has passed from this life into eternity. With hearts full of gratitude and love, we entrust him to your tender care, asking for your intercession before the throne of God.


Mary, you who stood at the foot of the Cross, witnessing the suffering and death of your beloved Son, understand the pain of loss and the sorrow of parting. In your compassionate heart, we find comfort and strength as we mourn the passing of Joe, a man who lived his life with courage, love, and devotion.

Like you, O Mother, Joe embraced the joys and challenges of life with a spirit of perseverance and faith. As a Navy pilot, a chef, and a loving father and grandfather, he served others with dedication and shared his gifts generously. His hands, which crafted meals and carpentry, mirrored the hands of your Son, who worked as a carpenter in Nazareth.

We recall how Joe, in his unique way, brought light and laughter to those around him. His love for reading and his enjoyment of simple pleasures, like cigars and decoy ducks, were signs of a life fully lived, marked by an appreciation for the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. In these moments, we see reflections of the quiet joy and contentment that you, dear Mother, experienced in your own life, treasuring all things in your heart.

Litany of Mary:

Response: Pray for him, O Holy Mother of God.

Mary, Mother of God,
Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted,
Mary, Refuge of Sinners,
Mary, Help of Christians,
Mary, Queen of Angels,
Mary, Queen of Peace,
Mary, Gate of Heaven,
Mary, Star of the Sea,

Prayer of Entrustment:

O Mary, our Mother, we now commend Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr. to your loving care. Wrap him in your maternal embrace, and present him to your Son, Jesus, the source of all life and the hope of our salvation. May Joe be granted eternal rest in the company of the saints, and may his soul be lifted into the joy of everlasting life.

Guide us, O Mother, as we continue our journey on earth. Help us to live with the same courage, kindness, and faith that marked Joe’s life, always striving to love and serve others as you did. May we one day be reunited with him in the presence of your Son, where there is no more pain or sorrow, only the fullness of joy and peace.

Closing Prayer:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A Holy Spirit Devotion in Memory of Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr.

Opening Invocation:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. As we remember Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr., we ask for Your presence to be with us, guiding our prayers and comforting our hearts. May Your divine light shine upon him, leading him to the fullness of life in the eternal kingdom.


Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, we pause to remember Joe, a man who lived with a spirit of generosity, love, and dedication. Just as You breathe life into all creation, so too did You breathe Your gifts into Joe, enabling him to touch the lives of many.

As a Navy pilot, Joe displayed the courage and fortitude that comes from Your strength. As a chef and craftsman, he used the gifts of creativity and skill that You imparted, bringing joy and nourishment to others. In his role as a father and grandfather, he was filled with the fruits of Your love, patience, and kindness, creating a legacy that endures through those he cherished.

We recognize Your work in Joe’s life, Holy Spirit, through the virtues he exhibited and the love he shared. His quirky humor, deep wisdom, and the simple joys he found in life were all reflections of Your gentle and sustaining presence within him.

Litany of the Holy Spirit:

Response: Come, Holy Spirit, and renew us in Your love.

Spirit of Wisdom,
Spirit of Understanding,
Spirit of Counsel,
Spirit of Fortitude,
Spirit of Knowledge,
Spirit of Piety,
Spirit of the Fear of the Lord,
Spirit of Truth and Love,

Prayer of Commendation:

Holy Spirit, we now commend the soul of Joseph Edward Driscoll Jr. into Your hands. You who are the Comforter, bring peace to our hearts as we entrust him to Your care. You who are the Advocate, intercede on his behalf before the throne of God.

Breathe upon him the breath of eternal life, and lead him to the presence of the Father, where every tear is wiped away, and where he will be embraced by the love that knows no end. May Joe rest in Your perfect peace, filled with the joy of the heavenly banquet.

Prayer for Strength and Guidance:

Holy Spirit, as we continue on our earthly journey, we ask for Your guidance and strength. Help us to carry forward the legacy of love and faith that Joe has left us. May we live with the same spirit of generosity, humor, and dedication that marked his life, always seeking to glorify God in all that we do.

Fill us with Your gifts, that we may be instruments of Your peace and love in the world. And when our own time comes to leave this world, may we be welcomed into the eternal home prepared for us, where we will be reunited with Joe and all our loved ones, in the everlasting light of Your presence.

Closing Prayer:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your love. Be with us in our moments of sorrow and in our moments of joy. Strengthen our faith, guide our steps, and keep us ever close to You. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pray A Rosary For Joseph Driscoll